Work in Progress Features

Fotify is constantly evolving to provide the best experience for event organizers and guests. Here are some features currently in development:

  1. AI Content Moderation: We're working on implementing AI capabilities to automatically detect and filter out inappropriate content, ensuring a safe and positive environment for all users.

  2. Bulk Photo Export: Soon, you'll be able to export all photos from an event as a ZIP file with just one click, making it easy to preserve and share memories after the event.

  3. Photographer API: We're developing an API that will allow photographers and event organizers to upload photos more easily and integrate Fotify seamlessly into their workflows.

  4. Custom Branding: For our partnership program, we're working on features like custom labeling, custom domains, and advanced customization options to tailor Fotify to your brand.

  5. Enhanced Analytics: We're building robust analytics tools to provide insights into guest engagement, popular photos, and other valuable metrics for event organizers.

Stay tuned for updates on these exciting new features!

Last updated