Managing Events

Fotify allows you to manage your events through different statuses: Upcoming, Live, Paused, and Finished. Here's how to manage your events:

Event Statuses

  1. Upcoming: New events start in this status.

  2. Live: The event is currently active and accepting photo uploads.

  3. Paused: The event is temporarily paused but can be resumed.

  4. Finished: The event has ended and no longer accepts new photos.

Managing Event Status

  1. Go to the "Events" page in your dashboard.

  2. Find the event you want to manage.

  3. Use the action buttons or dropdown menu to change the event status:

    • For Upcoming events:

      • Click "Start" to make the event Live.

    • For Live events:

      • Click "Pause" to temporarily pause the event.

      • Click "Stop" to end the event (changes status to Finished).

    • For Paused events:

      • Click "Resume" to make the event Live again.

      • Click "Stop" to end the event (changes status to Finished).

Editing Event Details

To edit an existing event:

  1. Find the event you want to edit on the "Events" page.

  2. Click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) or select "Edit" from the dropdown menu.

  3. In the edit form, you can modify:

    • Event name

    • Description

    • Event photo

    • Location

    • Photo approval settings

  4. Make your desired changes and click "Update Event" to save.

Note: You cannot edit the status of a Finished event.

Deleting an Event

You can only delete Upcoming events:

  1. Go to the event's edit page.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the form.

  3. Click the "Delete Event" button.

  4. Confirm the deletion in the popup modal.

Be cautious when deleting events, as this action cannot be undone.

Viewing Event Details

For past events or when you need to view event details without editing:

  1. Find the event on the "Events" page.

  2. Click the "View Details" button or select "Details" from the dropdown menu.

This will show you a read-only view of the event information.

Remember to regularly check your events and update their statuses as needed to ensure a smooth experience for your guests.

Last updated