Creating a New Event

To create a new event in Fotify:

  1. Log in to your Fotify dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the "Events" page by clicking on the "Events" link in the sidebar.

  3. Click the "New Event" button at the top of the page.

  4. Fill out the event creation form:

    • Event Name (max 25 characters)

    • Description (max 150 characters)

    • Upload an event photo (optional)

    • Location (max 20 characters)

    • Choose whether to approve photos by default or require manual approval

  5. Click "Create Event" to save your new event.

Event Status

When you create a new event, it will automatically be set to the "Upcoming" status. You can manage the event status later from the Events page.


  • Choose a clear, descriptive name for your event.

  • Upload an eye-catching photo to represent your event.

  • Consider whether you want to manually approve photos or let them appear automatically.

  • You can edit the event details later if needed.

After creating the event, you'll be redirected to the Events page where you can see your new event listed under the "Upcoming" tab.

Last updated