Viewing and Reviewing the Album

To view and manage your event's photo album:

  1. From the "Events" page, click on "View Album" for the desired event.

  2. You'll see two tabs: "Approved Photos" and "Photos to Review"

Approved Photos

  • Browse through the uploaded and approved photos.

  • Use the sorting options to arrange photos by date, author, or description.

  • Click on a photo to view it in full size with additional details.

Photos Pending Review

If manual approval is enabled:

  1. Switch to the "Photos to Review" tab.

  2. For each photo, you can:

    • Approve the photo by clicking the checkmark icon

    • Delete the photo by clicking the trash icon

    • View full-size by clicking on the photo

Managing the Album

  • Regularly check the "Photos to Review" tab to ensure timely approval of new uploads.

  • Use the sorting options to efficiently review new submissions.

  • Delete any inappropriate or low-quality photos to maintain the album's quality.

Last updated